11 of 24 industrial sectors increase production, says IBGE

11 of 24 industrial sectors increase production, says IBGE
Posted Mon, 12 Sep 2016 09:03:00 -0300
The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) released on Friday, 2, a 0.1% increase in industrial activity in Brazil in July versus June.
According to the institute, 11 of the 24 surveyed sectors showed positive rates, with a notable increase of 2.0% in food products, after two consecutive months of decline, with a cumulative loss of 6.4% in this period.
Other positive contributions were growth in the production of extractive industries (1.6%), computer equipment, electronic and optical products (5.8%), metallurgy (1.6%), coke, oil and biofuels (0.4%) and rubber and plastic products (1.3%).
Among the 13 branches that reduced production in the month, the most relevant performances came from perfumery, soap, cleaning and personal hygiene products (-2.8%), pharmaceuticals and pharmaceuticals (-7.3%), vehicles motor vehicles, trailers and bodies (-1.7%), leather goods, travel goods and footwear (-6.0%), tobacco products (-15.1%), clothing and accessories (- 2.4%) and other chemical products (-3.2%). All these activities had indicated positive rates in June.
Capital goods falling
Production of the capital goods industry fell 2.7% in July compared to June. In comparison with July 2015, the indicator shows a fall of 11.9%.
In the accumulated of 2016, there was an 18.5% decrease in the production of capital goods. In 12 months, the result is a retraction of 24.7%.
In relation to consumer goods, the survey registered a drop of 1.0% in the passage from June to July. In comparison with July 2015, there was a decrease of 8.3%. In the accumulated of the year, the fall is 6.9%, while the rate in 12 months is a decrease of 8.6%.
In the category of durable consumption, the month of July was up 3.3% compared to June, and fell 16.2% compared to July 2015. Among the semi-durable and non-durable, there was a decrease in production of 1, 9% in July compared to June, and a decrease of 6.3% compared to July of last year.
For intermediate goods, the IBGE reported that the indicator increased 1.6% in July compared to June. In relation to July last year, there was a reduction of 5.0%. Year-to-date, there was a fall of 8.3%, while the rate in 12 months was -8.1%.
The industry's Quarterly Moving Average index was positive at 0.6% in July.
Source: Exame
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